IGBT, the full name of the Chinese insulated gate bipolar transistor, is a power semiconductor device composed of bipolar triode (BJT) and insulated gate field effect tube (MOS), because of its superior performance in a wide range of applications in many fields, the market size from 2012 to 2021 more than doubled to reach 7.09 billion U.S. dollars, with a CAGR of 6.6%, driven by strong demand in the field of industrial control and new energy vehicles. driven by strong demand from industrial control and new energy vehicles. As a new generation of semiconductor materials, silicon carbide (SiC), with its extraordinary physical properties, performs better under extreme conditions such as high pressure, high frequency, and high temperature, especially in the field of new energy, showing great potential. It is expected that by 2027, the global SiC power device market will rapidly expand to $6.297 billion, China's market for SiC and GaN power electronic devices are also growing rapidly, the scale in 2020 has reached 4.68 billion yuan, it is estimated that the next five years will be about 45% compound annual growth rate, the market is expected to close to 30 billion yuan, highlighting the SiC devices in the power electronics industry, rapid innovation of the Important position.