The cell storage industry is a new development field, the main application markets of cell storage products are laboratories, drug development, plant protection, etc., but also involves biotechnology, agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry and other aspects of the application. Cell storage technology has also been widely used in the medical community, such as cell separation, DNA testing, etc. Cell storage through the treatment of cells and frozen culture solution mixed and formulated as a cell suspension, after a number of treatment processes into the cell freezing tubes and then stored in liquid nitrogen storage tanks, is expected in 2023 the global market size of the cell storage industry will reach 14.5 billion U.S. dollars. Tumor organoids refer to “mini tumors” formed by using patient-derived tumor tissues for in vitro isolation of tumor cells and in vitro 3D culture. The downstream applications mainly include the provision of precise medication guidance for tumor patients to achieve the effect of “test drugs on behalf of the body”; the provision of scientific research or R&D technical services for doctors and scientists to assist doctors and scholars to publish high-quality research results and high-level scientific research articles; and the provision of disease models for pharmaceutical companies and support for drug development, etc., according to the Meticulous Research Analysis. According to Meticulous Research Analysis, 3D tissue culture accounted for approximately 9.3% of the global cell analysis testing market in 2016.The market was valued at USD 818.1 million in 2017 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.7% during the forecast period to reach USD 1,242.6 million in 2022, with China accounting for approximately 5% of the market.